The Plans

I don’t go into details regarding the basic principles of the AC30, there is a lot of material on the internet.

The original Vox AC30 has 3 channels, Normal, Top Boost and Vibrato. The later is used rarely and uses a quite complex circuit. Therefore, my clone just includes the Normal and Top Boost channel. The Vibrato channel is omitted. (The current AC30HW also has just 2 channels)

The Normal channel receives a Marshall-like tone control. The Top Boost channel receives a treble- and bass control. The tonestacks of both channels can be bypassed.

A post-phase inverter master volume is fitted as well.

The schematics and the layout are the basics of the build. A click on the schematics or the layout opens a PDF file of the respective plan.

At the current date these plans have been checked thoroughly, but not yet tested.

These plans do not represent products of VOX Amplification Ltd.

They are not intended for the service or repair of any other amplifier than the clone presented on this website.

All information is without warranty of any kind.





Drilling plans and frontpanel